Project info

  • Power Plant
  • Nevada Gold Mines

  • 25 Aug, 2018

  • USA


Project overview

Nevada Gold Mines, one of the largest gold mining companies in the world, needed a comprehensive power solution to support their mining operations in Nevada, USA. They approached Desert Marine for a solution that would ensure reliable and efficient power generation, as well as ongoing maintenance and support.


The Nevada Gold Mines project presented a number of challenges, including the need for a highly customized solution that would meet the specific requirements of their mining operations. The power generation system also needed to be highly reliable, to minimize downtime and optimize productivity in a challenging mining environment.


Thanks to the expertise and dedication of the Desert Marine team, Nevada Gold Mines was able to implement a highly customized power generation solution that met their unique needs. The new system was commissioned and fully operational within a tight timeline, and the ongoing maintenance and support provided by Desert Marine has ensured that the power system operates at peak efficiency. Nevada Gold Mines has been able to rely on Desert Marine for all of their marine and power needs, and they continue to be a valued partner in our mission to power business ahead.